Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The History of Vaccines - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1674 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Tags: Vaccines Essay Did you like this example? The History of Vaccines The history of vaccines goes back much farther than one might believe. Even with minimal technology scientists were still able to create effective treatments for many diseases through the scientific method. Scientists have had centuries to perfect the methods of vaccination. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The History of Vaccines" essay for you Create order Stern and Markle assert that even in the past obstacles were in the way of successful and safe vaccines. To create these types of vaccines there needed to be enormous amounts of political skill and creativity (Stern and Markel, 2005). This essay shows the history of vaccines as well as modern skepticism surrounding vaccines while also showing the consequences of refusing vaccines. Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur, Theobald Smith and his colleagues were able to lay the groundwork of how vaccines are used and created today. One of the most deadly diseases in the past has been smallpox. The symptoms include sudden nausea and vomiting, lower back pain, suddenly feeling cold, and fevers. Lesions form as the fever goes away in the first two to four days of the other symptoms appearing. These lesions turn into pustules and then evolve into scabs (L., 2013). The first vaccination ever performed, was done so by Edward Jenner in 1796. He was working with cowpox and smallpox. Jenner did a multitude of research on how cowpox and smallpox were related. Through his studies, he realized the milkmaids that get cowpox were not infected with smallpox. He used this observation as a basis for this early smallpox vaccine. Jenner took pus from a cowpox lesion and injected it into a boy that was only eight years old. He variolated more cowpox pus into the boy six weeks later. The boy did not show any symptoms of smallpox from the pus or by exposure to people who had been infected (Stern and Markel, 2005). Variolation was re placed by the word vaccination because vacca is the Latin word for cow. His work injecting animal matter into humans was not welcomed by many individuals. Jenners work moved from person to person in the beginning of the 1800s. The vaccine was injected from arm to arm. When the smallpox virus became immune to the vaccine Jenner then injected it into calves to strengthen the vaccine. There was almost a fifty percent decrease in smallpox in 1823 in England alone (L., 2013). People with high authority such as presidents and Kings hosted mass campaigns of vaccination. Due to their support, 100,000 people had received vaccinations by 1803. This is also when the vaccination for smallpox reached the U.S. colonies. With the spread of the vaccination, it became necessary to public health almost overnight (Stern and Markel, 2005). Louis Pasteur observed that when certain bacteria cultures were exposed to chickens over a long period of time the chickens did not get sick. The process of exposing chickens to a bacteria over a period of time was then repeated with the same end result. This led him to the conclusion that if a living thing is exposed to a culture over a long period of time they will develop an immunity to it. This is what is used in vaccines today and his discovery lead to it. Pasteur used this knowledge to create a rabies vaccination by using the spinal cords of infected rabbits. This was first used on a man by the name of Joseph Meister. He did not show any rabies symptoms even after being bitten by an infected dog multiple times. This was yet another thing that was criticized by the common people. They did not like the idea of injecting possibly deadly substances into humans (L., 2013). Salmonella enterica was a bacterium discovered by Theobald Smith; he hypothesized that this was the bacterium that causes hog cholera. Hog cholera was later found to be a viral infection so his hypothesis was incorrect. Daniel E. Salmon took credit for Smiths discovery and named it after himself. Using dead bacteria for immunity was first proven by Smith in collaboration with Salmon. Texas cattle fever was Smiths next project. It destroyed 90% of infected herds. Ticks were thought to be the cause of Texas cattle fever. This was hypothesized by cattle farmers and Smith decided to test it out for himself in collaboration with two veterinarians, Cooper Curtice, and Fred L. Kilbourne. Smith recognized that protozoa were on the infected cattle. Since primarily northern cattle were afflicted Smith and Kilbourne conduced experiment with southern and northern cattle. Both groups of cattle were placed in the same pin. The control group of cattle had the ticks left on them while the experiment al group of cattle had the ticks taken off. The role of the ticks was established by these experiments as a carrier for Texas cattle disease. The experiments Curtice conducted resulted in the discovery that the infected ticks would pass the infection onto their larvae. Smith, Curtis, and Kilbourne were the first to discover insect-transmitted diseases (Schultz, 2008). Today, there are many effective vaccines that cure animal ailments caused by protozoa. Unfortunately, there are no effective vaccines for humans that treat infections caused by protozoa (McAllister, 2014). With all hope maybe someday these animals vaccines could be rewired to use on humans. The history of whooping cough vaccine was a bumpy road. The first vaccine for whooping cough was created somewhere around the time of 1914 but was not used until 1949. It was created using whole cell dead Pertussis bacteria. The resulting vaccine, DPT,   was merged with the tetanus and diphtheria vaccine. Serious side effects, sometimes causing death, were seen with using whole-cell pertussis. In Great Britain, the side effects were published causing the vaccination rates to drop by fifty percent. This notion spread to Japan as they would not allow vaccines to include the Pertussis bacteria. An acellular pertussis vaccine was created in Japan, DTaP, which replaced the previous vaccine in 1981. This vaccine proved to be far less deadly than the one previously used and Japan did not see any outbreaks with DTaPs use (What Is the History of Pertussis Vaccine Use in America?, n.d.).   Ã‚  Ã‚   Measles is a disease caused by a virus; it spreads through the air which makes it very contagious. The symptoms include a rash of small red spots, red eyes, runny nose, and a cough. The rash typically starts at the head and disperses to other parts of the body (Measles Vaccination, 2016). At the beginning of measles vaccination in 1936, there were two vaccines being used. One vaccine had an inactive strain while the other strain was active. By 1967 the vaccine with the inactive strain was pulled from use due to ineffectiveness. By 1975 the vaccine with an active strain was pulled from use because it caused a high number of rashes and fevers. Merck licensed a vaccine that was a combination of rubella, mumps, and measles, MMR, in 1973 (What Is the History of Measles Vaccine in America, n.d.). Live strands of rubella, mumps, and measles are contained in the MMR vaccine (Vaccines and Preventable Diseases, 2018). There was a hesitation to vaccine in the beginning and there is still hesitation today due to discredited research of vaccines causing autism. PublicHealth.org stated, Despite the fact that numerous studies have found no evidence to support the notion that vaccines cause autism and other chronic illnesses, a growing number of parents are refusing to vaccinate their children. The now discredited study was performed in 1997 by a British doctor by the name of Andrew Wakefield. Wakefields study was published in a British medical journal The Lancet (Vaccine Myths Debunked, n.d.). The study he published asserted that autism was caused by the measles, mumps, and rubella MMR vaccine. The rates of MMR vaccinations dropped drastically even though there was a very small sample size of only twelve individuals, no control group, and highly biased conclusions. Not long after his work was published, epidemiological studies fully refuted Wakefields study and the possible line between autism and the MMR vaccine (Rao and Andrade, 2011). For those children who are not being vaccinated serious consequences could follow. Beata Mostafavi (2016), wrote about this topic in her article entitled New Study Emphasizes Harm of Vaccine Refusals. She writes that with measles being completely eradicated in the United States in 2000, people were shocked when 667 cases were reported in 2014. This was studied intensively and it was concluded that children not being vaccinated was the cause. He stated that national data supports huge spikes of measles and whooping cough outbreaks. Both of which have a vaccine tied to them for prevention. Over fifty percent of the measles outbreaks were in children who were not vaccinated. It is a tragedy when a child dies from a preventable disease (Mostafavi, 2016). A common myth used by parents who refuse vaccinations is that the only people at risk are themselves, as a parent, and the child. This is simply not true even if everyone else is vaccinated. Infants can only get vaccinations once they re ach a certain age; this leaves infants at risk for diseases such as measles and whooping cough. This affects children even if the parents plan on fully vaccinating them. Whooping cough, in particular, was an issue for California in 2010. In this outbreak, ten infants died from something that could have been completely prevented. The DTaP vaccination does not begin to work until the third dose has been administered when the babies are six months old. A similar thing occurs with the MMR vaccine that protects against measles. Other people who are at risk include those with weak immune systems and cannot be vaccinated (Iannelli, 2018). Jenner, Pasteur, Smith, and his colleagues helped to start the modern vaccination process. All of these men had obstacles to overcome and even when things did not work they would not stop trying. They did not do so without criticism; since the common people were unsure about injecting humans with foreign substances. This mentality is still here today as seen by the rising number of parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated. Even after having many centuries of continued research and vaccination some people continue to put themselves and the entire human race at risk.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Marketing Plan Phase 4 - 4358 Words

Marketing Plan Phase IV Xxxxx MKT/421 January 15, 2012 Donald â€Å"Skip† Gregory Marketing Plan Phase IV (Online Marketing Trends, 2011). The Brass Tacks * Price: $24 Billion in annual revenue * Place: 33,000 local restaurants, 119 Worldwide with around 80% independently owned * Promotion: Internet, television, radio, newspaper, magazines * Product: Food and beverages McDonald’s mission is, â€Å"To be our customers’ favorite place and way to eat† (McDonald’s Inc., 2012). Since 1955 McDonald’s have been building a multinational and multicultural international business that satisfies customer’s Worldwide (McDonald’s Inc., 2012). McDonald s is the leading global food service retailer with more than 64 million people†¦show more content†¦A supplier with a proven record for customer satisfaction can offer McDonald’s the competitive advantage with the new burger option. Aligning the flavor, texture, and price for the veggie burger, along with a proven brand name will be the best way for McDonald’s to gain the customer support needed to make the burger a success. McDonald’s uses the same beef patties in the hamburgers to make the wraps they offer to customers. The same technique can be applied to the veggie burger patty to make veggie wraps with more substance than just l ettuce, tomato, and cheese in a tortilla. This would be a way to expand on the uses of the veggie patty without incurring any extra cost to the restaurant. Customers will have more options for the veggie choice and can lower carbohydrate intake. Guarantees are not likely to come with the introduction of a product like the veggie burger. The idea of flavorless cardboard patties springs to mind when thinking of burgers. Appealing to existing customers or enough new customers to make the veggie burger a success is an obstacle McDonald’s will have to overcome before starting such a venture. Polling customers with a vegetarian diet and offering taste tests can help with the risk. Also creating a sample menu option for a test-run can help build appeal for the veggie burger. The biggest threat will be keeping the prices right and the quality good. Veggie burgers are available atShow MoreRelatedMKT 421 Week 4 Marketing Plan: Phase III1023 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Week 4 Marketing Plan: Phase III MKT421 August, 2012 Introduction Attributes of Service In market research context, attributes are simply properties of a given product, brand, service, advertisement or any object of interest. Much brand and market research is targeted at understanding the most significant and powerful attributes, in our case, a service. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Deontological and Utilitarian Sense of Business Free Essays

Are minority set aside programs morally acceptable? The answer to this should be obvious but somehow it does not seem to be. A minority program of any kind is that also belonging within the scope of an affirmative action. There is to be no discrimination based upon certain Federal protected classes such as sex, age, religion to name a few and so in this, minority set aside programs by all rights should be morally accepted. We will write a custom essay sample on The Deontological and Utilitarian Sense of Business or any similar topic only for you Order Now The biggest problem with set aside programs is that they were originally based upon a social policy, by a policy maker who is no longer alive and no one to take up where the policy maker left off thus allowing the set aside program to struggle and possible eventually falling apart. There are a small handfull of set aside programs that are accepted such as the ones that the Small Business Administration has for minorities to include women, entrprenuers. These programs make sure that the minorities also get a fair share of the governments money under certain conditions. These set aside programs have helped many a woman or minority owned business get started and off the ground to become competitive within the real worl markets. For those who do not believe in having these set aside programs must suredly still be in the old school, political thought process that women or minorities, no matter what their reason for being a minority is, shouldn’t either be allowed to be given money for one reason or another or should be allowed to make it on their own like the â€Å"big boys† would. Often times, even the big boys obtain loans and grants as well as help from family members. Is there an inherent fear in a woman or minority starting or running a business and obtaining monies to do so? Many people have a utilitarian outlook upon certain ethics or morals and it is the affirmative action in regards to employment that seems to be the most hard hit, despite this being a protected class. It would be safe to say that if this utilitarian view happens with employment then it should be no surprise that when this same thought process happens with set aside programs. In our deontological world there are ethics and morals of these set aside programs as well as with individuals. The affirmative action groups and laws deal directly with this. If a woman or minority group feels that they have been discriminated against in the sense of obtaining business funds then it is these groups that will generally go into action to enforce an already written legislation or policy or federal law; to make sure that the faction causing the issue realizes and acts accordingly to accept that minority set aside programs morally acceptable. The one thing about the actual formation of set aside programs is that they assume the problems of these minorities instead of the individual or other protercted class being held in the limelight. They deal with both the deontological aspects of values, ethics and morals as well as the utilitarian process of abiding by the rules and laws of these programs. Our nation, dating clear back to the days before slavery and colonization has been discriminatory against those with different colored skin, those who were women or those of different races or handicaps and slowly, over the evolvement of time we have overcome this thought process which makes it more morally acceptable to have the set aside programs but the bottom line is that this discrimination still exists. My utilitarian opinion is that set aside programs are for the greater good. Until we can look past the race, gender, and religion of our people and base our opinions upon their merit, we will alwas have the continuing need for programs that addresses these concerns. Today is a changing world and the term equal opportunity should not be held loosely but be held within the strictest sense so that all have equal opportunity in which to work, form and maintain their businesses, no matter what their protected class is. While some people may not morally accept the protected class status they need to not only by law but by fairness. We live in a liberal world now where so many things that were once conservatively looked down upon has now been accepted within society to Supreme Court Rulings that this should be no different. Know that each state within the United States has their own statutes regarding set aside programs. These statutes also follow the Federal laws of engagement. Each state has their own progrmas and each differ in some small way. Check with each state capital to determine what programs are available and the process through which to obtain the particular set of funds you are seeking and what is required. References Edward I. Koch, , Equal Opportunity – Without Minority Set-Asides, February 1989, http://www.nytimes.com/1989/02/20/opinion/equal-opportunity-without-minority-set-asides.html Jill Mccullough, With set-aside programs changing, minority firms might want to be going corporate, March 2002, http://www.bizjournals.com/columbus/stories/2002/03/04/smallb1.html How to cite The Deontological and Utilitarian Sense of Business, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Using Multisensory Phonics Foster Reading -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Using Multisensory Phonics Foster Reading? Answer: Introducation Autism is one amongst the most common formative incapacities. Individuals affected by autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), have contrasts in the way their brain matures and processes data. Accordingly, they confront critical correspondence, social, and behavioural challenges. Contemporary world endorses English as the most broadly learned dialect and the task of reading is viewed as the most important skill in teaching language (Saville and Barto, 2016). In most of the cases, pupils are inclined to mature their proficiency in order to get access to information and enhance their social relational abilities. Subsequently, teaching the art of reading has been successful in gaining enormous attention (Kucer, 2014). The fact must be noted, that it is vital on part of the instructors to guide learners to conquer their weak reading propensities and support enhanced ones (Machin, McNally and Viarengo, 2016). Accordingly, different analyses are directed to find techniques for educating, which may prove to be proficient and effectively engage the students with appropriate reading aptitudes (Bursuck and Damer, 2014). The process approach to teach reading was embraced extensively in second dialect classroom, after the requirement for paying attention to individual learners was brought under notice (Urquhart and Weir, 2014). The following report aims at discovering different aspects of a pupil affected with autism and specific technique for instructing such pupils. The Childs Learning Strengths Numerous autistic pupils are likely to flourish in an organized situation, therefore a routine may be build up and it must be kept as reliable as could reasonably be expected. Pertaining to daily plans and permitting abundant time for changes can prove helpful to the autistic pupils, for overcoming behavioral issues and dissatisfactions. Honesty, great visual imagination and exceptional good memory are few of the many strengths championed by an autistic person. They tend to learn better with pictures and shows; in their case, visual signals and composed guidelines prove to be more helpful than long verbal directions. Autistic learners tend to demonstrate profound interest towards particular matters. Becoming more acquainted with affected pupils preferences can enable an educator to comprehend what persuades them, for this purpose a role play might be conducted, implementing the method of phonics. The role play can be implemented into the course at any phase, as holidays and travel are subjects of widespread preference. An exchange must be started with regards to a plan of travelling the assets that are available in the country, the strategies that people from that specific course (or their guardians) use, a place where the pupils would like to visit for a short span; the discourse must contemplate the act of alluding to seminal vocabulary. From that point, few papers containing certain jumbled discussions must be distributed among the participants. Elucidation must be offered to pupils specifying that the paper contains a conversation between a Tourism Agent and a client, however, the substances has been muddled up and their task is to arrange the discussion in a suitable way. The participants must find associations between the parts of the discussion (Spiro, Bruce and Brewer, 2017). It is at the disposal of the instructor to choose whether a pupil must note down all the fra gmented speeches following an appropriate arrangement or the student should note down the numbers, following legitimate grouping. After completion of the proper arrangement, the students must venture to read their arranged piece of interaction aloud, before the entire class; this will help in discovery and resulting amendment if there exists any defect in the execution of that particular task. The scores achieved by the pupils must be declared from that point. Pronunciation practice should likewise ensue thereafter. The participants must be put in pairs and they should keep on practicing the discourse among themselves (Bayat, 2014). Thereafter, they should be encouraged to loudly read out their parts while looking into the eyes of their accomplices, with the goal that the play appears to be natural when it is executed. A couple of variations may be introduced in the assignment, to achieve better enhancement in the perusing and social behavioural abilities of the pupils. It must be noted that the fact of memorizing the revised piece and performing it before the class may be considered. The students can likewise be inspired to speculatively give shape to a near similar sort of discussion in a travel operator's office, alluding to their past task. A specific number of impediments might be added, for example, the recommended vacation may seem to be particularly costly or the customer may request extra services; the odds of the customer delivering a message over the telephone or physically coming back to propose certain corrections, may be considered. With the help of these hindrances the affected pupils are likely to shape the discussion as per their own particular accommodation capability. Presentation of a third individual with the customer and his or her consent or inacceptability with regards to th e travel design, is probably going to make the circumstance more unpredictable and subsequently all the more intriguing. A video may likewise be recorded and transferred on social networking sits, the responses are certain to encourage the affected learners to further develop their abilities (Wagner, Vollmar and Wagner, 2014). The government of Queensland encourages eminent Education Adjustment Programs [https://education.qld.gov.au/students/disabilities/adjustment/pdfs/eap-handbook.pdf], which includes programs to aid education, for instance ADOS, which stands for Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. It's a standard assessment used to survey social and correspondence conduct in a mental imbalance. Results are likely to help direct an affected childs individualized training design . The Childs Learning Needs Symptoms of autism might be serious and meddle with regular undertakings, or they can be trivial and lead to negligible problems (Hadjikhani et al., 2015). Indications of autism are likely to include the following: Inconvenience while intermingling, playing, or identifying with others Very brief or no eye to eye connection with fellow beings Peculiar or recurring movements, for example, hand fluttering, tapping or turning Impediment in seminal developments or loss of knowledge accomplished before Hindrances while being educated in school Getting involved with playthings in a manner which may appear to be odd or tedious Scanty spatial awareness and clumsiness Teachers must bring into consideration the following behavioural traits of pupils affected with autism : Acquire disappointment with ease Need to visit schools quarantine for medical assistance Miss class time for checkups and treatments Experience difficulty talking or not talk by any means Appear to be heartless or apathetic Require additional time for class assignments and homework Need to appear for exams in an isolated area, away from diversions . A wide structure must be established and the understanding that each learner affected by autism is exceptional, which implies every affected pupil possess distinctive symptoms and exclusive procedures of learning, must be acquired by teachers. Every pupil with an ASD needs individual consideration; phonics method of acquiring reading skills has proved to be very effective in this domain. Autistic children need to learn from the conduct of their cohorts. They also require early and consistent intercession, which plays a vital role in helping them to develop social abilities. Similarly, behavioral issues also need to be addressed before they turn to be real obstacles. Inclusive Learning Goals Reading is a capacity that students must acquire, by following directions in a sorted out and efficient manner, to be able to internalize the crucial capacities to decipher the words and letters that are to be read in not so distant future (Reutzel, 2014). Instructing students to peruse, using the technique of phonics, is relatively a straightforward and convincing methodology (Kelly, 2015). Learners affected with autism are expected to possess the capacity to use this method of learning, and utilize it to articulate new words that they hear or see (Hidajat, Susanto and Iskandar, 2017). This is the essential basic approach in making sense of the technique for reading. Research exhibits that it is convenient for the youngsters affected by autism to learn and appreciate the sounds that the individual letters inspire, before he or she is familiar with the names of the letters (Nicholson and Tse, 2014). Pupils of a renowned foundation experienced the process of learning to read, regularl y through a composed phonics program, this has brought about phenomenal advancement since it had been incorporated (Kent, 2016). The above-mentioned approach guarantees attaining of abilities; it is likely to infuse the joy of perusing in learnerss too (Massaro, 2014). The technique of teaching, utilizing phonics, empowers the affected students with perusing and understanding capability and also the role-play plays a vital part in leaving a visual impact on the pupils. Phonetic approach is equipped for urging a student to express a word or numerous words, loudly, by dividing it into parts, tuning in for the sounds and thereafter recreating the related letters. This may not always lead students to the correct spelling of a word, it starts a primary stage of learning. The concerned learners nurture high chances of spelling any word accurately - or if nothing else, the spelling is likely to be considerably appropriate, for the educator to fathom the actual word. The phonetic technique for figuring out the method to peruse and manage spellings empowered the students to compose assignments that may otherwise would have appeared difficult. Justification Of The Pedagogical Approach The advent of the task evoked exceptional fervor among the students, when they learned that the concerned subject is related to excursion. Conducting the act in pairs really helped in building up the correspondence capacities of the students, they initiated exchange of imaginative ideas and thoughts, which additionally helped in improving their vocabulary. The action witnessed high level of involvement on the part of the pupils. The level of involvement additionally expanded when the complexities of circumstance expanded. The assignment of connecting fragmented pieces was fruitful in viably capturing the attention of the concerned learners. Reading the task loudly was exceptionally compelling, as it had called attention to the regions of quality and shortcoming of the reading areas of a specific pupil and thus prepared aground for achieving improvement in the sphere of perusing practice. Phonics encourages affected pupils to read by recognizing and articulating sounds (Warnick and Caldarella, 2016).Through a composed approach they come to know about the strategy to hear the sounds that each letter evokes, they are made to mix those sounds together from left to build a word. Learners would then have the capacity to use this data to unwind new words that they see or hear. This is the essential basic progress in gaining sense of how to read. Pupils who have been prepared by following the strategy of phonics, tend to read more precisely than the individuals who have been prepared using diverse strategies (Pressley and Allington, 2014).. The technique for perusing effectively starts by perceiving sounds and achieving the normal ability to thereafter translate words (Steacy, 2016). This strategy however requests consistent exercise with the goal that the word decoding procedure may be directed instantly. Conclusion Therefore, from the above discussion it might be concluded that educating students to read, utilizing the methodology of phonics, is almost persuading. Pupils affected with autism, frequently display the capability to use this technique for learning; subsequent to experiencing a procedure of phonic training, they are prepared for recreating new words that they visualize or hear. Phonic strategy is thought to be the basic essential approach, in comprehending the system of starting education. The process approach ensures acquiring of abilities; it likewise implants the delight of reading, in pupils. Phonics guides learners to ace the craft of reading by perceiving and articulating sounds; through a controlled approach the students accumulate information about the system to perceive sounds that individual letter makes, the students are made to align those sounds together from left, to construct a word. Those special learners who have been trained utilizing the methodology of phonics, te nd to read more precisely. The pupils are going to use this information to spell new words they perceive. The technique for phonics is an essential part required to engage an educator to help a student in securing legitimate perusing capacity. References Bayat, N. (2014). The Effect of the Process Writing Approach on Writing Success and Anxiety.Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice,14(3), 1133-1141. Bursuck, W. D., Damer, M. (2014).Teaching reading to students who are at risk or have disabilities: A multi-tier, RTI approach. Pearson Higher Ed. Hadjikhani, N., Zrcher, N. 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